Senior lab engineer, Laboratory of Agroecology and Mass Analyses
Phone: +375 232 349 738
Scientific interests:
diverse analytical methods and techniques, QC / QA, sample preparation for spectrometric, radiochemical, atomic absorption and zootechnical analyses, management of the BelNPP sample archive.
A graduate of Belarusian State Agricultural Academy with a qualification of Agricultural Scientist (1990). Completed her second higher education in 2000 at Graduate School of Agro-Businesses with a major in Economics and Management.
2003–2004, worked at Database Management Section, RIR. In 2005, transferred to the Mass Analysis Laboratory as senior engineer. 2009–2013, in charge of the team for primary sample preparation. 2013-2020, deputy head of the laboratory. With the lab reorganization in 2020, transferred to a position of Senior Lab Engineer, Laboratory of Agroecology and Mass Analyses.
In 2017, was one of the local experts in IAEA training course hosted by RIR in the application, the use and the maintenance of laboratory instruments for differentiation and quantification of radioisotopes in animals and animal products (IAEA TC PROJECT RER/9/137 “Enhancing National Capabilities for Response to Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies”; Component on “Re-enforcing Veterinary Authorities to Respond to Nuclear Emergencies”) in charge of the practical session on: Preparation of samples of animal origin, foods, agricultural raw materials, fodder and soil for spectrometry and radiometry analyses.