Researcher, Laboratory of Agroecology and Mass Analyses
Scientific interests:
radiochemistry, modern radiochemical techniques, determination of transuranic elements 238Pu, 239+240Pu, 241Am in environmental samples.
Graduated from S.M. Kirov Belarusian Technological University in 1992, with a qualification of Engineer, Chemist-Technologist.
In 1992 got a job of engineer-radiologist at RIR (from 2019 – IRB) and was assigned to Laboratory of Radiochemistry and Spectrometry. In six years, rose from a junior researcher to a position of Researcher. Worked for Laboratory of Biochemistry of Technogenic Radionuclides, Laboratory of Peat Soil Radioecology. Was temporary in charge of Mass Analyses Laboratory. Since lab reorganization in 2020, a researcher of Laboratory of Agroecology and Mass Analyses.
Co-drafter of multiple research proposals and work packages. Often entrusted with the elaboration of individual sections of research projects and reports.
Author and co-author of over 20 scientific publications and a patented invention.
Possesses outstanding experience in radiochemistry. Twice an IAEA TC certified fellow: in 2002 – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Russian Federation, and in 2010 – International Radioecological Laboratory, International Chernobyl Centre for Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste and Radioecology.
Perfectly familiar with the specifics of modern radiochemical methods. Fluent in a vast range of measuring and analytical techniques. Experienced operator of laboratory equipment.
Took part in multiple inter-laboratory exercises, including IAEA worldwide proficiency tests.
Co–authored attested measurement procedures:
- МВИ.МН 2459-2006 Extraction-chromatographic method of separation and determination of 90Sr activity in plant samples and natural waters using gas-proportional counter;
- МВИ.МН 3621-2010 Measurement procedure for alpha-spectrometric determination of 241Am in soils and plants with preliminary radiochemical sample preparation and acquisition of a counting sample by electrodeposition;
- МВИ.МН 4486-2012 Measurement procedure for alpha-spectrometric determination of the specific activities of 238Pu, 239+240Pu, 241Am in biological samples using ion-exchange and extraction-chromatographic materials and acquisition of a counting sample by electrodeposition;
- МВИ. МН 6006-2018 Measurement procedure for the determination of Fe mass fraction in concentrated feed mixtures, mineral lick bricks and ferrocene by complexometric titration;
and patented inventions:
- Strontium extraction-chromatographic separation device. S.A. Buzdalkina, N.V. Dufareva, A.K. Dovnar. Patent no. 2279, Republic of Belarus.
- Express strontium extraction-chromatographic separation device. V.Yu. Ageyets, E.Yu. Langrok, V.P. Kydryashov, S.A. Buzdalkina, N.V. Dufareva. Patent no. 3278, Republic of Belarus.
- Determination technique for the content of 90Sr in drinking water. E.Yu. Langrok, V.P. Kydryashov, E.F. Konoplya, V.V. Bykovsky, S.A. Buzdalkina, N.V. Dufareva. Patent no. 10196, Republic of Belarus.
- The technique to reduce the influence of potassium in extraction-chromatographic analyses of 90Sr contents in natural waters. E.Yu. Langrok, V.P. Kydryashov, V.A. Shumilin, S.A. Tagai, N.V. Dudareva, V.V. Bykovsky. Patent no. МПК7 01 Т 1/00/ of 08.01.08, Republic of Belarus.
In 2017, was one of the local experts in IAEA training course hosted by RIR in the application, the use and the maintenance of laboratory instruments for differentiation and quantification of radioisotopes in animals and animal products (IAEA TC PROJECT RER/9/137 “Enhancing National Capabilities for Response to Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies”; Component on “Re-enforcing Veterinary Authorities to Respond to Nuclear Emergencies”) in charge of three practical sessions: 1) Pocedure for radiochemical determination of plutonium-238,239,240 isotopes in milk, meat, foodstuffs, feedstuffs, soil. QC / QA of tests, 2) Procedure for radiochemical determination of americium-241 in milk, meat, foodstuffs, feedstuffs, soil. QC / QA of tests, and 3) Input and analysis of alpha spectrums, calibration of alpha-spectrometry system, activity calculation. QC / QA of tests.
Development of the techniques for radiochemical analysis of 90Sr and transuranic elements in agrobiocoenosis objects (in Russian). N.V. Dudareva, A.K. Dovnar, S.A. Tagai, A.B. Kukhtevich, V.A. Vaskovtsova, V.A. Shumilin. J. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. Rep. Res. Centre for Rad. Medicine and Hum. Ecol. 2011. Issue 1 (5). P. 159–165.
Кудряшов В.П. Совершенствование методик определения стронция-90 / В.П. Кудряшов, В.А. Шумилин, Э.Ю. Лангрок, С.А. Тагай, Н.В. Дударева, В.В. Быковский // Наука и инновации. – 2009. – №5(75). – С. 28-30.
Дударева Н.В. Применение экстракционной хроматографии для определения активности 90Sr / Н.В. Дударева, С.А. Тагай, А.К. Довнар, В.А. Шумилин // Известия Гомельского государственного университета имени Ф. Скорины. – 2007. – №6(45). – С. 55-62.
Тагай С.А., Кухтевич А.Б., Дударева Н.В. «Методическое обеспечение для определения 90Sr и трансурановых элементов (238,239+240Pu и 241Am) в объектах окружающей среды» / С.А. Тагай, А.Б. Кухтевич, Н.В. Дударева // Радиоактивность радиоактивные элементы в среде обитания человека: материалы IV Международной конференции, Томск, 4-8 июня 2013 г. – С.511-513.