Junior Researcher, Bionanoscopy Sector, Laboratory of Experimental Biological Models
E-mail: ms.pilotovich@list.ru
Scientific interests:
radiobiology, radioecology, molecular biology
Education and Career:
2008 – 2013 Belarusian State University, Biology Faculty
2011 – 2013 Laboratory assistant, Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Cellular Engineering, Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS Belarus
2015 – present Junior researcher, Laboratory of Experimental Biological Models, IRB
Specializes, among other skills, in DNA extractions from plant materials, RNA extraction methods, PCR assays, electropherogram analysis with the Gel Doc imager, restriction analysis, analysis of plants quantitative characters, maintenance of Drosophila melanogaster collections.
Ermishina N.M., Kremenevskaia E.M., Pilotovich A.S., Lemesh V.A. Selektsionnaia otsenka otdalennykh gibridov ozimykh geksaploidnykh triticale (in Russian). In Con. Proc. Plant Cell Biology and Biotechnology, Bel. State University, Minsk, 2013; P. 165.