2016-to present, Ph. D., Head of the laboratory of modeling and anthropogenic risks minimization, project manager; head of the young scientists council (IRB);
2014-2016, Ph. D., senior research fellow in radioecology lab, Institute of radiobiology NAS of Belarus, Gomel, Belarus;
Sumforest Summer School for Young Researchers “Networking and communication skills in research in the area of sustainable forest management”, 13-15 October 2017, Barcelona (Spain)
Workshop “Harmonizing preparedness for radiation emergencies”, 10-14 September 2018, Malmö (Sweden).
2007 – the award of the Nongovernmental Ecological Foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky for students
2015 – the award of the Gomel Region Executive Committee in the field of natural sciences
2017 – European Youth Award’ 17 Finalist
2017 – Prize of the President of Republic of Belarus for talented young scientists
December 2017 – member of the Belarusian contact group at the fourth meeting Belarus-EU (Brussels, Belgium)
2018 – top 100 of talented young researchers of Republic of Belarus
Russian – native language;
English – conversational level (speak, read, write). French – elementary level (speak)
Skills: alpha, gamma spectroscopy (Canberra AlphaAnalyst, Ortec), Word for Windows, Excel, (professional level), data processing (MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw) and analysis (StatSoft, GraphPad Prizm). Programming in Pascal, JavaScript (basic level). GIS software.
Related Projects
2016-2018 – Joint project with Lund University (Sweden) supported by Swedish Radiation Safety Authority in the field of “Assessment of radiation level at the lands affect by Chernobyl accident in the long term perspective”
Governmental program of scientific investigations (GPSI) “Chemical technologies and materials, natural resource potential”. Grant 3.05 “Modeling and prediction of the pollutants transport in the aeration zone, groundwater and with the smoke of forest fires”.
2016-2018 – GPSI “Nature management and ecology”. Grant 5.3.16 “Analysis of contamination of fuel materials by transuranium elements and estimation of its radiation threat during the wildfires”
2018-2020 – Grant: B18-199. Development of radiation, ecological and algological criteria for assessment of burnt forest sites at the territory with different levels of radioactive contamination