Junior researcher, Radioecology Laboratory
Phone: +375 232 683 721
E-mail: elena.karpova1991@mail.ru
Scientific interests:
radioecology, radiobiology, cytogenetics, microbiology.
Graduated in 2014 from Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Biology Faculty, Department of Plant Botany and Physiology, with a qualification of a Biologist and an Educator of Biology and Chemistry.
A junior researcher of Radioecology Laboratory since 2014.
Has a MA degree in Biological Sciences (thesis on “Protective properties of histolysis products of test plants under stress”).
In 2014, took and advanced training course in Radioecology, Radiometry and Radiation Safety, F. S. Gomel State University. In 2015, completed a training course on Microbiology in Belarusian State University in Minsk.
Author of 8 research papers, including 1 publication in Belarus VAK journal (Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus).
Карпова, Е.А. Действие гидрофильных компонентов куколок китайского дубового шелкопряда на цитогенетические параметры тест-объекта (= The impact of hydrophil components of the Chinese oak moth pupae on cytogenetic characteristics of the test subject, in Russian) / Е.А. Карпова, И,И, Концевая // — МГПУ: «Веснiк Мазырскага дзяржаунага педагагiчнага унiверсiтэта». – Мозырь, 2013. – С. 28 – 33.
Карпова, Е.А. Влияние водного экстракта куколок китайского дубового шелкопряда на цитогенетические и морфометрические параметры тест-объекта Allium cepa L. (= The impact of the water extract of the Chinese oak moth pupae on cytogenetic and morphologic characteristics of the test subject Allium cepa L., in Russian) / Е.А. Карпова, И.И. Концевая // — ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины: Первые шаги в ботаническую науку. – Гомель. 2013. – С. 83 – 88.